Expected results:

  •     A well structured and effective project management to ensure smooth and effective project operation and implementation
  • Production of SPA Management Plan, 4 target species Action Plans, Monitoring Plan, Surveillance Plan, Dissemination Plan and GIS compatible information infrastructure
  • Establishment and pilot operation of the SPA Management Scheme and the Surveillance programme.
  • A complete removal of introduced predators (rats) from at least 5 colonies of Falco eleonorae, Larus audouinii and Phalacrocorax aristotelis.
  • Yellow-legged gull population control in at least 3 of its colonies on islets around Andros affecting Larus audouinii.
  • Construction of at least 200 artificial nests and plantation of 100 endemic shrubs for improvement of nesting site availability for Falco eleonorae and Phalacrocorax aristotelis.
  • Revitalization of at least 10ha of terrace fields, traditional local crop farming and 3 pigeon lofts for the improvement of insect availability to Falco eleonorae, as well as pigeon and Chukar availability to Hieraaetus fasciatus.
  • Creation of 15 wildlife ponds and 5 ha of coastal wetland restoration interventions to improve prey abundance for priority raptors.
  • Installation and promotion of use of seagrass-friendly mooring buoys and delineation of seasonal fishery restriction areas
  • An overall improvement of public awareness among the general public and various focus groups about the conservation of the four target bird species and SPA site on Andros.

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